Annual Feast of 'Vailankanni Matha Shrine' at Nandikotkur:
Jul. 25, 2018
Velangani Matha Shrine at Nandikotkur in Kurnool diocese comes into limelight once in a year i.e. on 10th of May
with the celebration of annual shrine festival. Most Rev. Anthony Poola offered the festival Mass and extended his
valuable spiritual blessings to the faithful. In his homily, he enumerated the importance of mother and Mother Mary in every one's life and the way both help us in our every day walk of life. Along with bishop, deanery priests, religious priests and sisters participated in the Mass. Ten thousands of Velangani Matha faithful from eight mandals in and around Nandikotkur town are estimated to have attended the festival. Earlier during the day Velangani Matha Statue was taken in procession from CSI Palem Church through the roads of Nandikotkur town to Velangani Matha Church Campus. From morning and until evening our diocesan seminarians blessed and prayed over all the devotees. 14 KURNOOL VANI - JUNE 2018 The festival was a grand celebration. It was celebrated with much piety and fervor. It was all possible due to co-operation of parish sisters, youth, catechists and especial some donors with their small amounts. The parish community is very much indebted to all those helpers especially Sisters from FIHM and Sisters of Good News convent who extended their helping hand for the successful celebration of the festival. FIHM sisters decorated the altar and the background stage for the Mass beautifully. FIHM sister and parish youth led the choir with heavenly voices. Youth from the parish in collaboration with the parish, worked very hard and tirelessly for 15 days starting from canvassing till the removal of decorations. The festival was successful due to the clean ambience in the church premises with their seven days of cleaning of Nandikotkur Municipality workers. The Nandikotkur Velangani Matha Shrine catholic community extends its heart-felt gratitude to first of all to Most Rv. Anthony Poola, priests, religious sisters and to all the faithful
pilgrims for making the shrine festival a grand success. - (Fr. G. Inna, Parish Priest) 9.