Blessing and Inauguration of Assisi Bhavan Convent and Renovation of St. Joseph's Convent at Pedda Kottala:
Aug. 13, 2016
We the sisters from Pedda Kottala express our joy and gratitude on the joyous occasion of the blessing and inauguration of the newly constructed Assisi Bhavan convent building and also renovated building of St. Joseph’s convent at Pedda Kottala. The blessings of our convents were held on July 5th 2016. Sr. Rita welcomed our beloved Bishop Most Rev. Dr. Poola Anthony, Superior General Rev. Mother Jacqueline , priests ,religious, faith full and well wishers who were present there to enrich us through their presence and prayer . we began our inaugural Mass at 11:30 am with grand procession from old building to new building. The inaugural mass was celebrated by our beloved bishop and concelebrated by many other priest and religions from our deanery Nandyal. Our Bishop captured the gathering by his inspiring homily. After the mass we had short cultural programme and felicitated our beloved Bishop, our superior general Rev Fr. Marreddy and the construction team. Our superior general delivered the inspiring thoughts on that splendid day. We thanked the gathering for their valuable time which they spent with us to increase our joy. The celebration was concluded with fellowship meal. - (Rev. Sr. Gnanamary SSAM, Pedda Kottala)