![]() Kurnool Diocese"Good News To The Poor" |
VERSE of the DAY |
Social Service Commission Kdsss |
B. Social Service Centre
Recent activities (Women Enhancement Programs like Tailoring, Self Help Women Groups, Safe Drinking Water and so on of KDSSS in the last two years (2014-15)
Social involvement is necessary says “Gaudiem et Spes” of Vatican II. But this involvement of the Church must make people gradually towards self-sufficient and self-reliant. The Church must be a facilitator rather than a benefactor. With this aim the Kurnool Diocesan Social Service Society was registered in October 1991. In September 1994 the Diocesan Social Action Policy has been developed after an extensive participatory processes involving the presbyterium, religious and the people of the diocese. The following activities are implemented for the poor and the marginalized: Animation, Women Development, Employment Programmes for educated and unemployed youth, Village Infra-structure development, Catholic Relief Services, Dalit Empowerment program, IDEA(Integrated Development through Empowerment Action), Eradication of Child labour, Widow Development Program, CBR (Community Based Rehabilitation To the Differently Challenged People), Home and Community Based Care and Support to PLHAs, Drinking Water and Sanitation Program, Anti Human Trafficking (Protection of Women and children) Program, FARM ( Facilitating Agricultural Regeneration Measures) Program, Emergency Relief (Flood, Drought and Fire) Program, Food for work Program, Housing program for the poor, Streamlining KDSSS Administration and Management. Each programme or a wing has a committee headed by a Coordinator.
A. Genesis of Kurnool Diocese Social Service Society (KDSSS)
In 15th October 1991, “Kurnool Diocese Social Service Society” a separate society was formed for social activities in Kurnool And Anantapur District and given a definite shape, direction, policy and plan of action and infrastructure. By 1997 a social service center was established with all the necessary facilities and on January 26th January 1998 the new building was inaugurated and blessed by Most Rev. Dr. G. Johannes DD. The center was furnished and provided with staff to carry out systematically the social apostolate according to the new direction and plan. The present Bishop Most Rev. Dr. Poola Anthony DD is giving more focus to alleviate poverty of the marginalized people through the right based approaches. Under the directorship of Fr. K.D. Joseph, Director of KDSSS implemented various activities from January to December 2010.
B. Vision of the Organization
“To arrive at a Society where Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Humanity realized”
C. Mission of the Organization
“To enable the poor and the marginalized to enable themselves through empowerment”
D. Major activities undertaken during the report period
• Animation program
• Women development program
• Dalit empowerment program
• Protection of Women & Child programme (Anti human trafficking)
• Child labour/ Bonded labour / forced labour
• Health and hygiene
• Drinking water and sanitation
• HIV/AIDS awareness programme
• Income generation programme to PLHAs,
• Housing program,
• Cash for work program
Kurnool Diocese Social Service Society came into existence on 15th October 1991 to take up charitable, relief and developmental activities in Kurnool and Ananthapur Districts to promote love of humanity and universal brotherhood.
In the year 2008, The Kurnool Diocese Social Service Society (KDSSS) is engaged in the following activities in the districts of Kurnool and Anantapur. Our target groups are poor people and women and children.
1. Education - Adult Education.
2. Education of Child labourers.
3. Non Formal Education.
4. Providing Drinking Water Supply to 50 Villages in Rural Areas.
5. Taken up construction of OHT in 3 villages.
6. Installation of De-Fluoride Mineral Plants.
7. Provided Pump Sets to Telugu Medium Schools.
8. Housing Schemes to Dalits and Economically Weaker Sections in the Diocese in 4 Villages.
9. Women Development Programmes.
10. Organization of Self Help Groups.
11. Small Savings Schemes.
12. Catholic Relief Services programmes - Safe Mother Child Survival, Nursery Programme, Primary School Programme, Boarding Programme, Individual Health Cases Programme.
13. Self – Employment Schemes to Women Groups – by Supplying Sheep, Buffaloes, to Start Petty Shops, Fruit and Vegetable Vendors through Govt Loan and Linkages.
14. Helping to get Government Schemes like Lands for Landless Labourers, Housing Schemes to SCs, Deepam, Loans from SC & BC Corporations, Loans to Women Groups from Banks for Economic Development.
15. Health Awareness Programmes.
16. Construction of Latrines for Individual Houses.
17. Leadership Training Programmes.
18. Creation of Revolving Fund for Economic Development of the Poor.
19. Eradication of Social Evils like, Drinking, Superstitious Beliefs, Dowry System, and Child Marriages etc. Through Awareness Programmes.
20. Samrakshana Programme/Anti Traficking programme in Adoni, Yemmiganur, Guntakal, Gudur and Nandyal Mandals.
21. Encouraging People to Actively Participate in Govt Programmes.
22. Drought Relief Programme in 12 villages.
23. Training to Young Girls in Sewing and Dress Making, and Handicraft like, Wire Bags, Travel Goods, Leaf Plates, Cane Work, Soap Making, Detergent Powder, Candle Making etc.
24. HIV/AIDS, Referral Services, Care and Support.
Most of the programmes have proved to be success. Many women have become literate and they know how to read and write. They are quite happy to read names of places written on RTC buses and read notices at bus stations, and market places. Many child labourers have stopped working and got admitted in regular schools and pursing studies. Many school dropouts are again appearing VII class and X class examinations.
In many villages especially Dalit colonies people have drinking water supply. We have provided 53 bore wells with hand pumps, 2 over head tanks and 3 motor pump sets with the financial support of MANOS UNIDAS and Bala Vikasa. They need not wait for the upper caste people to pour water into their pots.
With the help of KDSSS many unemployed youth in the town and villages have bought Auto rickshaws and earning some thing for their livelihood. Many poor people have constructed pakka houses and living comfortably. Some land less dalits have acquired some land and doing cultivation.
The omen groups have come together and achieved many things by representing their grievances to the government officials. They have great awareness about their health and hygiene. Now we find some unity and solidarity among the women and in the villages. They are also taking advantage of many government schemes for economic development. They have earned some skills like sewing, wire bags, cane work etc., they are also aware of environmental pollution and disadvantages deforestation. Now they are taking to tree plantation and kitchen garden rising.
Mitigation of HIV/AIDS and providing Care and Support to HIV/AIDS infected and affected is our main goal in the filed of Health. Lot of awakening was created in the people about HIV/AIDS. Many awareness programmes were conducted and so many patients were referred to community based health care centers. In this context we are providing food assistance to 345 PLHAs (People Living with HIV/AIDS) at Gargeyapuram, 60 PLHS in Kurnool, 162 PLHS in Nandyal and 59 PLHS in Adoni. The other health aspects are largely addressed through CRS programme.
Future plans/activities in the field of HIV/AIDS :
1. Home/Community based care and support.
2. Awareness building at gross-root level and for youth, children, and women.
3. Sex education for the youth and the school children.
4. Formation and training of cultural troupe on HIV/AIDS.
5. Conducting cultural event, role-play, street threatre and songs.
6. Training to care givers and counselors.
7. Strengthening the existing SHGs, Drop-in-centre, counseling center etc.
• Education
Kurnool town stands second in AP in having more number of Child Labourers and HIV/AIDS affected and infected. Therefore we are trying our level best to bring the light of education into the lives of thousands of child labourers in the district. Apart from CRS regular programmes, non-formal education centres were opened in Tadipatri mandal of Anantapur district. In Kurnool child labour residential camp was started at Kosigi, where every year 100 children are mainstreamed. Non-residential camps were started at Sirvel and Pathikonda. We are planning to make them residential.
We have joined our efforts with the Government and on seeing our service for the poor children the district Collector has allotted 2 schools at Kosigi and Karivena of Atmakur mandal. We have good support from the Project Director, NCLP (National Child Labour Project).
1. Drinking Water Supply in 50 More Villages.
2. Construction of 3 more Over Head Tanks.
3. Supply of Pump sets to 3 poor T.M. Schools.
4. Introduction of Kolping Work.
5. Initiating HIV/AIDS Care and Support to HIV/AIDS victims in Kurnool Town and Adoni Town.
6. Housing Schemes to Dalits and Economically Weaker Sections in most needy areas. At least 100 Houses.
7. Continuation of Child Labour Programme in Kosigi, Pathikonda, Karivena and Sirvel.
8. Linkages with the Govt to get Government Schemes/ Velugu to all SHG's
9. Continuation of Animation, Women Development and Dalit Empowerment Programmes.
10. Drought Relief Programmes in the Form of Food for Work in 12 villages.
11. Construction of Latrines for individual Houses in 3 villages.
12. To take Emergency Activities like Fire, Flood as and when arises.
Social involvement is necessary says “Gaudiem et Spes” of Vatican II. But this involvement of the Church must make people gradually towards self - sufficient and self - reliant. The Church must be a facilitator rather than a benefactor. With this aim the Kurnool Diocesan Social Service Society was registered in October 1991. In September 1994 the Diocesan Social Action Policy has been developed after an extensive participatory processes involving the presbyterium, religious and the people of the diocese. The following activities are implemented for the poor and the marginalized: Animation, Women Development, Employment Programmes for educated and unemployed youth, Village Infra - structure development, Catholic Relief Services, Dalit Empowerment program, IDEA(Integrated Development through Empowerment Action), Eradication of Child labour, Widow Development Program, CBR (Community Based Rehabilitation To the Differently Challenged People), Home and Community Based Care and Support to PLHAs, Drinking Water and Sanitation Program, Anti Human Trafficking (Protection of Women and children) Program, FARM ( Facilitating Agricultural Regeneration Measures) Program, Emergency Relief (Flood, Drought and Fire) Program, Food for work Program, Housing program for the poor, Streamlining KDSSS Administration and Management. Each programme or a wing has a committee headed by a Co - ordinator.
Director : Fr. K. D. Joseph,
Address : Director, KDSSS
Bishop's House,
B. Camp, Kurnool - 518 002
KDSSS, Venkayapalle,
Kurnool - 518 452
Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
Telephone : 08518-270691, 273513
Fax : 08518-270691
E-mail : kdsssknl2@rediffmail.com
The Kurnool Diocese Social Service Society (KDSSS) is engaged in the following program during the period of 2009 - 2010
Campaign Goal :
Long Term : To Develop a Society where all Children Enjoy their Fundamental Rights
Short Term : Ensure that state puts up effective mechanisms to promote and protect the rights of the children working in stone quarrie
Inauguration ceremony of Advocacy campaign program to eradicate child labour and the workshop on Child Rights, Child Labor, and RTI & RTE was organized in Assisi Bhavan at Pathikonda on 11-05-2010 by Sr. Lilly Therese program Coordinator. We have adopted 10 Panchayats from Pathikonda Mandal to make them a Child Labour free mandal Panchayats. In which we concentrate in mainstreaming the dropouts, freeing the Child Labor from work and educating them all. Pathikonda Parish Priest, Assisi Bhavan superior, and Sr. Vimal Rose incharge of Carmel Vikas Society were appointed as our close collaborators for the implementation of this program. Sarpanches from 6 panchayats, SI of Pathikonda were the chief guests, Mr. Azaraiah from KDSSS, 3 organizers, Fr. Emili, Pathikonda Parish Priest, Bro. Kuriokose Assisi Bhavan superior and Sr. Vimal Rose collaborated and contributed for the success of this program. Village secretaries, Head Masters, Vidya Volunteers from all the Panchayats were the participants.Sr. Lilly Therese proposed her plan of action and requested all the surpanches to aim at this cause of eradicating Child Labour and make their panchayats as Child Labor free panchayats. Mr. Azariah gave sessions on RTI, RTE, Child Rights and Child Laour. The participants were happy to know the several Govt. welfare programmes and schemes. It was encouraging for them to apply and to benefit from those programmes and which in turn contribute for eradicating and educating the child labors.
1. Animation
2. Women and Dalith Empowerment
3. Widow Development Program
4. Protection of Women & Child Programme(Anti Human Trafficking)
5. Child Labour/ Bonded Labour / Forced Labour
6. Health and Hygiene
7. Drinking Water and Sanitation
8. HIV/AIDS Awareness Programme, Income Generation Programme to PLHAs,
9. Housing Program,
10. Emergency Relief Services (Flood, Fire and Famine).
1. Animation
Animation program is one of the important programs in Kurnool Diocese and through this program we are empowering the dalits women in our target areas. At present we have APSSS Animation program in 6 mandals of Nandikotkur division namely 1.Nandikotkur, 2. Miduthur, 3. Pamulpapdu, 4. Pagidiala 5. Kothapalle and 6.Kurnool rural and similar programmes in Kurnool and Nandyal division.
IN this year with the animation, we have also taken up another 5 aspects namely: Because of this programme, number of dalit women are enlightened and people have successfully solved some of the problems like dowry, caste discrimination in the villages, low wages, and atrocities against women, child labour problems etc., and many dalit women initiated the income generation activities and successfully earning their livelihood. They have achieved the basic facilities like electricity, drainage, bore-wells, housing schemes, etc in their villages.
2. Women and Dalit Empowerment Program
We have Dalit Empowerment programme in 20 villages in Velgodu Mandal of Kurnool District. The following are the name of the villages. 4 Animators and 1 Coordinator were appointed, each animator manage 5 villages each. They were helped to form Self-Help Groups in their respective villages and women were initiated to thrift and small savings. The group leaders were given leadership training. In most of the centers women were also given training in tailoring and dressmaking. They were also given the orientation to make use of the PHCs in the village administration.
Total no. of groups formed – 450
Total members – 4900
Health Committees formed – 20
Trainings on advocacy lobbying, health and hygiene, human and legal rights
Name registered in the labour risk scheme - 45
3. Widow Development Program
We are having widow development program in banaganapalle Mandal in 40 villages. Around 60% of the target people are empowered and strengthened towards the self reliance through awareness generation on rights and through the livelihood income generation activities. We have strictly followed the criteria of the programme, and this programme was intended to help the poorest of the poor Widows and the single women, to increase their economical status. Indeed, this programme has helped them to reach a good and viable status in the society.
No. of Widows | No. of Widows Groups | Members in the Widows Group | No.of Widows Out Side the SHGs | Widows Joined in Other Women SHGs | Savings | Bank loan |
2036 | 36 | 411 | 390 | 1237 | 172007 | 370000 |
Pensions to widows – 291
Houses sanctioned for the widows : 126
Helped others to get houses : 196
Financial support from housing board : Rs.10,00,000/-
Cements bags : 2000
Ration cards for widows : 116
4. Protection of Women & Child Programme (Anti Human Trafficking)
KDSSS has initiated Anti human trafficking in Nandyal Mandal in Kurnool District. The project was intended to protect rights of women and children from trafficking and all other forms of exploitation (from sexual, domestic violence, kidnapping and abduction, child/forced marriage and sale of girls to brokers etc.) and prevent from trafficking and to rehab the victims of trafficking and orphans of HIV/AIDS in 8 Mandals of Kurnool Diocese. Through this intervention we were also planned to provide basic services to the victims like health care, education, shelter home, nutrition etc. Another important objective of the project was to build up an excellent rapport with government institutions and advocacy lobbying.
5. Child Labour Programme
Kurnool District has highly prevalence of child labour issues especially in Adoni division. Due to poverty and ignorance children are sent to work rather than school. Considering this hazardous situation of the children, KDSSS has undertaken various initiatives to eradicate the issue and develop a good networking and lobbying with government education departments and other NGOs. During this year also we have continued RBC at Kosigi for 50 child labour children from NCLP and Pathikonda RBC Centre and advocacy campaign program to eradicate child labour.
Here I come to share regarding Child Labour Program at Pathikonda Mandal. For the past few years there was RBC Residential Bridge Course centre in Assisi Nilayam supported either by govt. or by some donors. MMB brothers look after the functioning of the centre. And even now we are continuing the same program and along with that on April 2010 we have initiated the Campaign program to Eradicate Child Labour at Pathikonda Mandal supported by NEG - FIRE.
6. Health and Hygiene: Catholic Relief Services
We are also providing food for IHC (Individual Health Cases) in 4 centers with 1100 beneficiary’s priority to HIV patients, TB and Old age Orphans people under the CRS Program.
7. Drinking Water, Sanitation
Kurnool and Anantapur district is the worst drought hit prone areas in the Rayalaseema Region. Due to the acute shortage of drinking water, KDSSS took initiative to address the issue through the financial assistance of Balavikasa for the rural poor villages of Kurnool Diocese. As there is severe fluoride problem through out the diocese, besides Bore wells and OHTs, KDSSS has constructed Fluoride Mineral Plants in several places of Kurnool Diocese.
Hand pump - bore wells - 50
Overhead tank - 6
Fluoride Mineral Plants. - 5
8. HIV/AIDS Rehabilitation Programme
Through the financial assistance from CRS/ Episcopale Conferenza Italiana, the KDSSS has taken up Home and Community Based Care and Support Programme in Adoni urban and rural. Under this program, KDSSS is providing awareness dissemination, referral services, linkages and networking, nutritional and medical support, counseling to women and children. We also mobilized material resources to PLHAs and economic support to the infected children (scholarship for their education).
9. Housing Programme
During the flood in Kurnool on October 2009, KDSSS have initiated various flood relief activities in Kurnool Town and flood affected villages. By seeing the good services rendered by KDSSS for the victims of flood, the Kurnool District Collector Shri Mukesh Kumar Meena and the AP State Housing PD Mr. Ramesh invited us and requested us to take up the program of construction of housing for the victims. With the financial support of Conference Episcopu Italiana and AP State Housing Board we have agree to construct 1000 in Kosigi and Manthralayam Mandals.
We have selected the villages for the constructions are
1. Sathanoor - 557 houses and
2. Rampuram - 447 houses.
The inauguration of the construction program at Sathanoor was done on 26th March 2010. MPP Mr. Seetharam Reddy, RDO Mr. Prabakar Reddy, DE Mr. Venkata Reddy, AE Mr. Baskar Reddy, KDSSS Director Rev. Fr. K.D. Joseph, Staff and around 300 people were participated in the program. For the speedy completion of the construction, we are making the cement bricks in house site. The work is progressing fast and we completed 260 houses up to plinth beam and the other work is in progress. The district administration appreciated the quality of work and the commitment taken by KDSSS under the leadership of Fr. K. D. Joseph. The present Collector Shri. Ramsankar Naik also was impressed and interested in our work and he pomised all the possible support to uIn rder to make the village as Model village, we are mobilizing all the departments like Rural Water Service (RWS), Panchayatahraj department for the construction of housing link roads, Electricity board housing connection and street light and the forest department for tree plantation in village. As the rain is going to start we the KDSSS also planning to take up tree plantation in the village. As the construction complete the trees will also grow and provide shade and good atmosphere.
The District collector and the officials visited the site many time. They very much impressed by our quality of construction and appreciated KDSSS for the good work.
By seeing the quality of construction work at Sathanur, Mahaboob Nagar District Collector Shri Purushotham Reddy invited KDSSS and we had a meeting with him and Joint Collector Mr. Chiramjeevi and EE. Mr. Baskar Reddy at Mahaboob Nagar Collector’s Chamber. We had discussed about the funding, quality and measurement of houses and the cost of the houses. They asked us to take up 1000 houses and are positive to give the work to KDSSS. It is under process.
As a result of heavy rain from 31st Sept to 2nd Oct 2009 and the heavy discharge of water from dams there was a huge flood in Kurnool.
195 villages in 34 Mandals were damaged and washed away by the flood water in the District. Flood damaged villages, roads, crops, cattles, electricity networks, irrigation and drinking water facilities. It was declared as a National Calamity.. and KDSSS supported the victims in collaboration with CRS and Caritas India
• Supplied Safe Drinking Water Packets and Cooked Food to the Victims.
• Temporary shelters were given to the victims.
• Supplied medicines and organized medical camps in urban and rural.
• 250 volunteers of Kurnool Diocese engaged in cleaning of Houses, streets and public places for 20 days.
• Supplied dry ration to the affected families.
• Supplied Kitchen kits to 13700 families.
• Supplied shelter kits to 7700 families.
• Supplies sanitary kits to 5000 families.
• Supplied water purification tablets to 12700 families.
• Total kits supplied 18700 families.
• 8 Anganwadi centres were supported with shelter, nutritious food, volunteers etc.
• Each center is providing support to approximately 50 children under the age of 3 – 5 years. The centers have been equipped with study materials,
toys and coloring books. The government has complimented the items distributed by CRS and KDSSS in all eight centers with a pre-school kit designed by the government. For nutritional supplementation, children are receiving high energy biscuits during their 1.5 hour play session. Sessions are being lead by government Angawadi workers and supported by trained partner staff. Regular monitoring of the Child Friendly Spaces is being conducted by the coordinator from KDSSS and Integrated Child Development Services supervisors.
• KDSSS has planned and initiated the sanitation work in the town and villages – cleaning of all the silt and grabages with the help of so many volunteers.
• Cash for Work & as Aapadhbandhu” support to flood affected in Kurnool people who suffered extensive damage in Manthralayam, Kosigi, Adoni, and Peddakadubur Mandals were cared by KDSSS/CRS. It was initiated at 6 sites on the day of inauguration as we have taken up this project of Cash for Work. Like wise 25 villages from these 4 mandals were selected and we have implemented the project in these villages. Sri. Seetharam Reddy MPP inaugurated the project in Manthralayam and in Kosigi Mandal MLA Sri. Balanagi Reddy’s presence added boost to the inauguration ceremony and the leaders advised all the affected people to cooperate with KDSSS in implementing the CFW project. From CRS, Mr. Rajesh Machado, Fr. Jijo, Parish Priest Kosigi, and Fr. K. D. Joseph, Director, KDSSS, Technical Experts, Coordinators and Animators were present for the same. Through this project we could meet the immediate financial needs and life saving needs, water and sanitation needs, and for re-establishing the financial assets of the people affected by the floods. On January 18, 2010 Sambhagal village in Adoni Mandal, was first begun cash for work at 6 sites. They received the tools required to remove mud, like wise all the villages which were selected for cash for work.
The following were the activities undertaken :
• Cleaning and repairing the common well.
• Cleaning and repairing the roads.
• Cleaning and repairing of common gathering places such as Schools, Anganwadi, Community halls, and Market area.
• Plantation around the village.
• In all the above activities we identified the village and the site for cleaning and repairing also we selected the beneficiaries and the site to dump the mud and then we communicated to the Mandal level Officials and the village head regarding our intervention in those areas. Mr. Charles was appointed to supervise and maintained the work day’s record. He is responsible go guide the beneficiaries while conducting the cleaning work. Once in a week we verified their work and made payments to them.
• 97 water points will be repaired in and around Kosigi, Adoni, Peddakadabur and Manthralayam Mandals. In Jalimanchi 7 water points will be repaired. Main purpose is to provide safe drinking water to all the people to remain healthy.
• Mr. Jaya Kumar MPP Member expressed his gratitude to CRS and KDSSS for extending all the services from the time of the floods to the affected people of Adoni Mandal, and also he appreciated our hard labour and our selfless service.
• CRS representative Ms. Rekha explained about CRS service to the suffering humanity. She also expressed all these works are possible just because of the collaboration from KDSSS, rural water supply employees and the cooperation of the people.
• Tree plantation did in 25 Villages.
• 5 plants per family (4 shade Plants and one fruit plant).
• Total family – 2500.
• The plants were entrusted to the families.
• Make 10 Villages Child Labour / Bonded labour/ Forced Labour Free.
• Awareness Generation on Govt. Programme and Schemes ( Information, Dissemination ).
• Providing Cash for Work for the Farm Clearance for the Most Vulnerable Groups.
• Development of Wasteland in Sathannur Village through CFW Moral Support, Medical Health Awareness and Counseling for the Widows.
• IGP Support for the Vulnerable Group like Petty Shop, Selling Flowers and Vegetable, Rearing Goats and Sheep for their Livelihood.
• Land reclamation support to the Widows and Marginal Economically Backward Farmers.
• Educational and Nutritional support for the Children of Victims.
• Skill training for Young Widows and Second Generation of Vulnerable Women(tailoring).
• Awareness on Govt. Schemes and Benefits.
• Mainstreaming the Orphans.
• Eradication of Child Labour through Motivation and Coaching Classes.
Director : Fr. K. D. Joseph,
Address : Director, KDSSS
Bishop's House,
B. Camp, Kurnool - 518 002
KDSSS, Venkayapalle,
Kurnool - 518 452
Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
Telephone : 08518-270691, 273513
Fax : 08518-270691
E-mail : kdsssknl2@rediffmail.com