Pastoral Commission

→ Pastoral Centre
Both information and formation are important factors for growth. For the continued growth and renewal, a well planned faith formation at various levels to different groups is a must. For this purpose Jeeva Sudha Pastoral Centre was blessed on 21st March 1994 by late Bishop G. Johannes. The Patron Saint of the institution is St. Francis Xavier. Here in the Pastoral Centre, we conduct Seminars, Catechists Training Programmes, Recollections, Retreats for Priests, Sisters and lay people, and A.P. Jyothirmai BCC Programmes etc., The Pastoral Centre is also happy in doing the activities of Pastoral works like Christian faith formation to the children in the villages, Bible classes for the youth and adults in the Villages, marriage preparation courses for the youth in deanery levels, conducting Bible quiz for the village children, Youth and elders in the parishes, institutions, schools once in every six months, and conduct Prayer services in the villages in order to strengthen the faith of the people. Pastoral Centre also conducts the family apostolate Programmes and helps the poor children to apply for Scholarships for their education.

Director   :   Rev. Fr. Anakarla. Bhaskar
Address    :   Jeeva Sudha Pastoral Centre, Carmel Nagar
                     Venkayapalle - 518 452 Nandanapalli Post,
                     Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh.
Tel No       :   08518-270821


Address : Bishop of Kurnool
                Bishop's House
                B. Camp, Kurnool - 518 002
                Andhra Pradesh

Phone    : (08518) 27 03 93 (O), 27 68 12 (P)
Fax         : (08518) 27 03 13
E-mail    :