Farmer's Joint Liability Groups Training: 13th May 2016 at Jalakanur Village Midthur Mandal:
Jun. 15, 2016
On 13th May 2016 KDSSS has organized a training program for Farmer's Joint Liability Group (JLGs) Leaders at Jalakanur village. The content of the training were Functioning of JLGs, norms and regulations, benefits. Mr. Sudharshan Rao from SBI gave orientation on the government schemes available for the farmers particularly for the JLG members. There are 50% subsidies given by the agriculture department for the farmers like purchasing of Tractor, setting up of Milk dairy, bore wells and drip irrigation so on. KDSSS staff Mr. Danamaiah sensitized the leaders on organic farming and marketing. He informed the farmers that the agriculture products through organic farming is having special rate. There are high demands for that. People are ready to purchase the products with high prices. Mr. Mohan Das spoke about the food security among the marginal farmers. First, farmers have to give priority in cultivating food grains for their own consumption, then only the price will be controlled. Unfortunately majority of the farmers are going for commercial crops with chemical manure and pesticides. It damages the soil and water as well as the health of human being. During the training program one farmer Mr. Sheshaiah said that no one is listening and doing organic farming. All wanted to go for easy methods. If one is applying 10 bags of chemical fertilizer then the other 16 KURNOOL VANI - JUNE 2016 one wants to apply 12 bags is the common practice among the farmers. At the end he said that even his children are not obeying him. At the same time Mr. Subban Miah said that he is doing organic farming and he is getting profits. In the organic farming the cost of production is less. He is using drum-seeder and following SRI. He is also cultivating five types of food crops and getting profits. A few farmers came forward willing to do organic cultivation. They asked to give training in preparing organic manures and pest controlling liquids. Mr. Danaratnam, animator gave vote of thanks to all the participants and resource person. |