News & Events

Blessing and Inauguration of St. Sebastian Church at Kambadahal:
Feb. 09, 2016
On 20th January 2016, it was a memorable day for the people of Kambadhahall village of Yemmiganur parish. Their dream of having a new church in the village came into existence, the church named after St.Sebastain church was blessed and inaugurated by our beloved bishop Most Rev. Poola Anthony. The program started with peaceful procession to his Excellency most Rev. Poola Anthony, and followed by the Holy mass with a beautiful prayer dance. In the Eucharist bishop exhorted the faithful to keep the place holy and allow the people to pray well in the presence of the lord, that's how we build the community which the Lords wants from us, therefore the place that we build is meant only for the prayer through which we build the hearts which are the temples of the Lord. The newly built church is very beautiful, which would be surely of great use for the people around especially enhancing the faith of the People. We are grateful to all the benefactors who helped us to make this venture possible. There were also priests and sisters from Adoni deanery present on this special occasion The parish priest Fr.Praveen Kumar Godugunur thanked the Almighty for the benefactors, bishop for his tireless support and then to all the priests and to the sisters at last remembered the faithful who supported to run this program in a 10 KURNOOL VANI - FEBRUARY 2016 peaceful manner, after which the people proceeded for the festal meal. We are grateful to the Lord for all His blessing and graces. - (Fr. G. Praveen, Parish priest)


Address : Bishop of Kurnool
                Bishop's House
                B. Camp, Kurnool - 518 002
                Andhra Pradesh

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